The Bourgeois Obstacle: Why Private Health Insurance Must Be Dismantled
In the capitalist system, private health insurance stands as a formidable barrier to equitable healthcare. It is a profit-driven construct designed to maintain the privileges of the elite while exploiting the working class. Private insurance creates a facade of choice, but what it offers is a fragmented system where access to care depends on wealth, not need. For socialism to prevail, we must first destroy this pillar of capitalist oppression.
Marx warned us about the power structures that maintain inequality, and health insurance is a prime example. Through exorbitant premiums, hidden costs, and denial of care, these companies siphon wealth from the proletariat while perpetuating the illusion of security. It is not a system of care but one of calculated abandonment, leaving the most vulnerable to suffer.
The capitalist apologists argue that private health insurance fosters innovation and efficiency, but the truth is starkly different. Billions are spent not on improving care but on marketing, executive salaries, and shareholder dividends. It is no wonder that many celebrated my act against the health insurance executive, seeing it as a blow to the heart of this exploitative system. Social media lit up with support because people understand the urgency of dismantling these oppressive structures.
For a National Health Service to emerge, we must strip away the false legitimacy of private insurance. Only through its collapse can we pave the way for a healthcare system that truly serves the people.
Originally posted 2024-08-18 17:17:27.